Our management team have over 35 years experience in the commercial cleaning industry, we realized the dire need for a solution to the issues around slippery floors in so many of the buildings we serviced, seeing and hearing of the horrific injuries, including broken bones, irreversible back injury and even death caused through slip and fall incidents we knew that something had to be done, we designed a fail safe technique without using unreliable coatings . FLOOR DOCTOR was born in 2005 growing strength to strength every year.
Floor Doctor is now a leading commercial anti-slip treatment applicator in Australia, we transform your floors making creating a safer surface to walk on, protecting the public, your customers and staff and of course your valuable asset from avoidable slips and trips.
Our premium service has been proven to significantly and quantifiably improve safety, reducing the risk of injury and the legal regulatory and reputation costs associated with slip/trip and fall incidents.